Monday, 8 October 2012

What is an X++ tools in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

X++ tools

X++ is Object oriented programming language

It used MorphX Development Environment

It has Similar Syntax like C#

It incorporates SQL data manipulation statements

                           To launch Workspace - Ctrl + Shift + W

                X++ code editor,               accessible from Developement Workspace


                X++ compiler,                    accessible from Developement Workspace

                X++ Debugger,                  accessible from Developement Workspace

                Visual Studio,           
                Visual Studio Debugger   accessible from Developement Workspace



Variables and Data Types in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Variable is holding data when a block of code executes


Global to a class (in the class declaration of a class)
Local to a method (Variable define in a method of a class)
Local to an embedded function ( variable defined in a function embedded in a method of a class)

  •           Declare variable before anything else in the code
  •           use a semicolon after each declaration
assign value 20 to xyz
                     int xyz = 20;

                     you can also create Extended datatype on the basis of primitive datatypes

Overview of  Data type

             Hold characters - maximum 999 character it can hold
             str     xyz = "testing";

            Hold natural figure - number without decimal point
             int     xyz  = 9;

            Numbers with decimal point
             real     xyz = 9.19;

            date type contains day, month and year
            date    xyz = 02/18/2012;

UTC dateTime
           Hold year, month, day, hour, minute and secons
           utcDateTime   xyz =  02/18/2012 10:10:02 am;

           It represented internally as integer, first literal has the number 0, the next number 1 and so on,
           use as expressions

           enum xyz = NoYes::Yes;

            it contain value True and False only
            boolean   xyz ;

            Contains hours, minutes and seconds
            timeOfDay  xyz;

           Means Global Unique Identifer(GUID) it is uniue i nany context

           GUID XYZ ; //{3f2504E0-4F89-11D3-9AA0-5030E82C1033}.

           hold large integer, 64bit
           Int64 xyz;

Variable with extended datatype

custAccount         _CustAccount;
amountMST         amountDb, amountCr;

Composite data types

          It is a List of Ites with the same data types and the same name, Only Index Differs

          It is a Dynamic list of items that can contain primitive data types and
          some composite data types

          A class is a type defination that describes both variables and methods for
          instances (method) of the class

          It is defined in the database, can handle class definations


Arrays in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Array is a list of items with the same datatype and the same name, Only the index differs

Arrays can be declared by brackets [ ]

real      MyArray[];                    //unlimited index value
real      MyArray1[15];              //maximum 10 index value

myarray[1] = 1.1;
myarray[2]= 1.2;


for [i =1; i <= 15; i++)
      print MyArray1[i];

A container variable can contain different types and value of simle and extended data types, including arrays

container  xyz;

int             a,b;
xyz = [15, 30, "SempleText"];
print compeek(xyz,3);


Characteristics of X++ in Axapta 2012

     X++ provides extensive compile-time checking,
     Memory management model is simple,
     Object create by New operator,
     Automatic garbage collection
     Eliminates entire classes of programming errors

Interpreted and dynamic
     Benefit from faster developement cycle prototyping,
     Rapid developement and experimentation

     components in AX are seamlessly available to any application supporting .Net,
     conversely x++ is able to consume external managed code and COM objects.


Change the font style based on parameter in SSRS

How to change font style in SSRS 2008, SSRS 2012


               "Bold", "Normal", "Thin", ExtraLight", "Light", "Medium",
               "SemiBold", "Bold", "ExtraBold", "Heavy"

If your Parameter ShowSummary  = True than  change the Font Style to  "Normal" otherwise "Bold"

Step 1)

Create Parameter ShowSummary
Data type : Boolean
Default Values, Click Add and type True (Defining default Value = True)

Create New Parameter as ShowSummary, data type Boolean

Set default value as False so by default summary value will be False

Right click on your textbox, Select Textbox Properties, Select Font, Click on the Fx button besides Bold

as per the parameter value, show font type

Now run the reports, you can see that when you select show summary = true your text box font type appears "Normal" or it will show in "Bold "


Sunday, 7 October 2012

SSRS 2012 Report Parameter and multiple filter code

//Define Parameters as below

   MbooleamParaMtr             as Boolean
   MMultipleSelectionParam as Multiple secection Txt Parameter

// your selection criteria as below

  select field1, field2
           @MbooleamParaMtr = 1                       or
            field1 In (MMultipleSelectionParam)

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Index was outside the bounds of the array

you may face this issue when axapta 2012 excel import of data


check mandatory fields should be present in entity you are trying to import