Thursday, 11 October 2012

pass parameter in axapta between a form

Step 1) Button Control Data Source Value

public void init()
    custTable _Custtable;
         if(element.args().record() && element.args().record().tableID == tablenum( custtable))
              _Custtable = element.args().record();

Step 2) overiding source form's button control clicked method

In Form1

void clicked()
    Args            args;
    Formview         Formview;

    args = new args();
    args.parm( "yourStringValue" ); formstr( FormB ) );
    Formview= classFactory.formviweClass( Args );


In Form2

public void init()
    str             YourStringValueFromCaller;

    if( element.args() )
        // get string parameter
        YourStringValueFromCaller = element.args().parm();


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Report Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Step by Step Report Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012, it is Faster and Reliable

There are three way to deploy SSRS report
1.    Visual Studio
2.    Within AX workspace
3.    Report Shell

Below there are two reports for deploy shown in bold letter, you can right click and select Deploy Report in AOT, you can select two reports at a time and right click and select Deploy Element

you can select multiple report name, right click and select deploy

Info Log shows with statistic Success
You can see below deployment status for design name Success

To verify that Report is deployed or not so we go to DynamicsAX - Report Manager and refresh the page, you can see your Reports Name appeared here

Now let’s  do the same from Microsoft Visual Studio, here you can right click and see the option available like Build solution, Rebuild Solution, Deploy solution etc….

you can right click on report file and select deploy

Once you select deploy  you will get information in outpout window, below you can see 
Deployment status for design name : success

Now check the file which are available in Report manager, to cross verify you can delete the files from Report Manager and deploy once again so you can see the newly deployed file in report manager

How to deploy a report file thru Report Shell
Check step by step below images

Select Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 management Shell from Windows Menu -Start - Administrator Tools

Make sure you are administrator or Right Click and select Run as Administrator

 you can find below screen shot which is pure command line based

Get - Command
Get - Command -Module Microsoft.Dyn*


Get-AXReport     and          Publish-AXReport

Get-Help Get-AXReport


Get -AXReport - ReportName *
First time it may take a minute to show the output

If you wanted to see in grid view
$Reports Get-AXReport -ReportName *
$Reports : Out-GridView

You will get one window display as below

So now lets do publish report from command line
     Publish-AXReport -ReportName BIDemo*
It will display Deploying Reports and related artifacts
You can see DesignDeploymentSuccess : <Success>


Lets back to DynamicsAX - Report Manager, Refresh the page, you can see your reports deployed from command line

lets type command 

     Get -Command -Module Microsoft.Dyn*                 see above image Last Line

If you have problem with deploying

Type command line


See below image with result Testing the report server configurations completed, I would recommand to do it first



Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Reporting service error rsReportParameterValueNotSet

In Microsoft Dynamics Axapta if you get such error You must provide a parameter value


you can hunt for lookin your field in your current project for you are getting error

connect to analysis server and lookup your dimension, process the dimension

Select Update BI Data, ckick on update database

Under AOT go to the relavent table and browse

You can see query return with rows

Now go back to your project, open sql query and run the same , now you can find values

Save changes
Refresh role center

Problem is solved


SQL list user name, database and permissionState

In Microsoft SQL Server How to list the User name and their role, Permission Type, Permission State

see all individual objects that each user has access to

    [UserName] = ulogin.[name],
    [UserType] = CASE princ.[type]
                    WHEN 'S' THEN 'SQL User'
                    WHEN 'U' THEN 'Windows User'
                    WHEN 'G' THEN 'Windows Group'
    [DatabaseUserName] = princ.[name],      
    [Role] = null,     
    [PermissionType] = perm.[permission_name],      
    [PermissionState] = perm.[state_desc],      
    [ObjectType] = CASE perm.[class]
                        WHEN 1 THEN obj.type_desc               
                        ELSE perm.[class_desc]                  
    [ObjectName] = CASE perm.[class]
                        WHEN 1 THEN OBJECT_NAME(perm.major_id)  
                        WHEN 3 THEN schem.[name]               
                        WHEN 4 THEN imp.[name]                   
    [ColumnName] = col.[name]
        sys.database_principals princ 
       sys.server_principals ulogin on princ.[sid] = ulogin.[sid]
LEFT JOIN       
       sys.database_permissions perm ON perm.[grantee_principal_id] = princ.[principal_id]
      sys.columns col ON col.[object_id] = perm.major_id
                    AND col.[column_id] = perm.[minor_id]
    sys.objects obj ON perm.[major_id] = obj.[object_id]
    sys.schemas schem ON schem.[schema_id] = perm.[major_id]
    sys.database_principals imp ON imp.[principal_id] = perm.[major_id]
    princ.[type] IN ('S','U','G') AND
    princ.[name] NOT IN ('sys', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA')

or      try below query

  object_name (perm.major_id)
from    sys.database_principals princ
 left join
        sys.database_permissions perm
on      perm.grantee_principal_id = princ.principal_id

Monday, 8 October 2012

Error while AOS start in Axapta 2012

If you get error while starting AOS in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Object Server 01:  The directory "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\ax6conBG\bin\Application\bin" does not exist or access to it has been denied by the operating system.


Create following directories

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\ax6conBG\bin\Application\bin
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\ax6conBG\bin\Application\share\config
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\ax6conBG\bin\Application\appl\Standard
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\ax6conBG\bin\Application\appl\Standard\db
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\ax6conBG\bin\Application\appl\Standard\tmp

Start AOS and check it works fine.


What is an X++ tools in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

X++ tools

X++ is Object oriented programming language

It used MorphX Development Environment

It has Similar Syntax like C#

It incorporates SQL data manipulation statements

                           To launch Workspace - Ctrl + Shift + W

                X++ code editor,               accessible from Developement Workspace


                X++ compiler,                    accessible from Developement Workspace

                X++ Debugger,                  accessible from Developement Workspace

                Visual Studio,           
                Visual Studio Debugger   accessible from Developement Workspace



Variables and Data Types in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Variable is holding data when a block of code executes


Global to a class (in the class declaration of a class)
Local to a method (Variable define in a method of a class)
Local to an embedded function ( variable defined in a function embedded in a method of a class)

  •           Declare variable before anything else in the code
  •           use a semicolon after each declaration
assign value 20 to xyz
                     int xyz = 20;

                     you can also create Extended datatype on the basis of primitive datatypes

Overview of  Data type

             Hold characters - maximum 999 character it can hold
             str     xyz = "testing";

            Hold natural figure - number without decimal point
             int     xyz  = 9;

            Numbers with decimal point
             real     xyz = 9.19;

            date type contains day, month and year
            date    xyz = 02/18/2012;

UTC dateTime
           Hold year, month, day, hour, minute and secons
           utcDateTime   xyz =  02/18/2012 10:10:02 am;

           It represented internally as integer, first literal has the number 0, the next number 1 and so on,
           use as expressions

           enum xyz = NoYes::Yes;

            it contain value True and False only
            boolean   xyz ;

            Contains hours, minutes and seconds
            timeOfDay  xyz;

           Means Global Unique Identifer(GUID) it is uniue i nany context

           GUID XYZ ; //{3f2504E0-4F89-11D3-9AA0-5030E82C1033}.

           hold large integer, 64bit
           Int64 xyz;

Variable with extended datatype

custAccount         _CustAccount;
amountMST         amountDb, amountCr;

Composite data types

          It is a List of Ites with the same data types and the same name, Only Index Differs

          It is a Dynamic list of items that can contain primitive data types and
          some composite data types

          A class is a type defination that describes both variables and methods for
          instances (method) of the class

          It is defined in the database, can handle class definations