Showing posts with label What is Application Object Tree in Axapta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is Application Object Tree in Axapta. Show all posts

Monday, 3 September 2012

What is Application Object Tree in Axapta

Press CTRL + D to open the AOT (Application Object Tree)

AOT contains five icons

CTRL + O : Opens the application element from AOT

CTRL +SHIFT + S : Save changes to an element

ALT +ENTER : Opens property for the selected elements

CTRL + SHIFT + I : To Import the .xpo file,
                                The only file types recognized by Axapta while IMPORT into the AOT

F7 : Compilation of object
More than one instance of AOT can be open at a time to ease our work with multiple elements within the MorphX environment.
Application elements are located in the Data Dictionary as a node of the AOT
Type of elements in the Data Dictionary

Ø  Tables – Having Fields with data types, Addition / Deletion / Updating through Forms

o   Table Contains - Fields, fields groups, indexes, full text indexes, relations, delete actions, method
Ø  Maps – If table’s having similar types of fields but having different name than Maps are used to link the tables.
Ø  Views – Joining different table though data source and relation, specified by query, Views are Read-Only, the data fields and tables that a view uses cannot be updated from that view, It synchronized like tables
Ø  Extended Data Types - Customization of data types like String, Integer, Date, Times, Enums, containers or real
Ø  Base Enums – it is a literals, it is used in development environment in MorphX Enums are extended data type that inherits from base enum
Ø  Configuration Keys – to allow users to access specific features in application
Ø  License Codes – Depends on the Purchase of the License code for a module only that elements can be enabled.
Ø  Security Keys -
Ø  Table Collections – To build virtual companies based on collections of table
Ø  Perspectives – it is basically to organize folders, roles, fields, tables as per application modules, it is as like as SQL server Reporting Services (SSRS)