Wednesday 10 October 2012

Report Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Step by Step Report Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012, it is Faster and Reliable

There are three way to deploy SSRS report
1.    Visual Studio
2.    Within AX workspace
3.    Report Shell

Below there are two reports for deploy shown in bold letter, you can right click and select Deploy Report in AOT, you can select two reports at a time and right click and select Deploy Element

you can select multiple report name, right click and select deploy

Info Log shows with statistic Success
You can see below deployment status for design name Success

To verify that Report is deployed or not so we go to DynamicsAX - Report Manager and refresh the page, you can see your Reports Name appeared here

Now let’s  do the same from Microsoft Visual Studio, here you can right click and see the option available like Build solution, Rebuild Solution, Deploy solution etc….

you can right click on report file and select deploy

Once you select deploy  you will get information in outpout window, below you can see 
Deployment status for design name : success

Now check the file which are available in Report manager, to cross verify you can delete the files from Report Manager and deploy once again so you can see the newly deployed file in report manager

How to deploy a report file thru Report Shell
Check step by step below images

Select Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 management Shell from Windows Menu -Start - Administrator Tools

Make sure you are administrator or Right Click and select Run as Administrator

 you can find below screen shot which is pure command line based

Get - Command
Get - Command -Module Microsoft.Dyn*


Get-AXReport     and          Publish-AXReport

Get-Help Get-AXReport


Get -AXReport - ReportName *
First time it may take a minute to show the output

If you wanted to see in grid view
$Reports Get-AXReport -ReportName *
$Reports : Out-GridView

You will get one window display as below

So now lets do publish report from command line
     Publish-AXReport -ReportName BIDemo*
It will display Deploying Reports and related artifacts
You can see DesignDeploymentSuccess : <Success>


Lets back to DynamicsAX - Report Manager, Refresh the page, you can see your reports deployed from command line

lets type command 

     Get -Command -Module Microsoft.Dyn*                 see above image Last Line

If you have problem with deploying

Type command line


See below image with result Testing the report server configurations completed, I would recommand to do it first




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