Showing posts with label Three Tier Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Tier Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012. Show all posts

Monday 17 November 2014

Three Tier Architecture in Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012

Three Tier Architecture means having a separate Database, Application Server and Client

       Database (it stores the data)
            A SQL Server Database it hold all our entered /captured data, 
            It is used by Microsoft Dynamics AX application
            it also stored application elements

            Microsoft Dynamics AX database
                It is Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) database that stores all business data in tables
                This database also stores all of the metadata and application code in the Model Store
            BI (Business Intelligence database)
                Some BI components requires SSRS and SSAS, 
                SSAS database is replicated from OLTP database in database format that optimized for 
                          fast reporting and analysis
                It stores all business data in SQL tables

      Application Server ( Application Business Logic)
            AOS (Application Object Server) is a service that runs most of the business logic
            It runs on central server
       Client (Client Application allows users to connect to server to access business logic
             It is user interface through which end-user accesses Microsoft Dynamic Axapta Application 
                  1. Ax Rich client
                          Most form displayed in the rich client are designed by using MorphX 
                          Role center pages are sharepoint pages that are displayed  within rich client form
                          SQL reports called from rich client by using report viewer control 
                  2. Enterprise Portal
                           Display thru web browser
                           Subset functionality available on portal
                      Microsoft Office
                            Used as client to access AX Application and data
                             office Add-In available for Excel and Word
                      Other Application
                            .Net business connector

Extended Architecture

Other components used in a typical deployment

  SSRS (SQL Reporting Services) 
              It Delivered reports, ssrs components included in SQL Server

  BI ( Business Intelligence) 
              It is key performance indicator use Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cubes, 
              It is delivered by SSAS (SQL Analysis Services), SSAS components included in SQL Server

EP (Enterprise Portal) and Role Page are hosted in sharepoint

Integration with other application or third party organization required integration solution such as web services

Typical system architecture includes other components of the Microsoft technology